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namespace User;
use Core\Config;
use Core\Db;
use Helper\Comparsion;
use Helper\Conversion;
use User;
class Stats
private User $u;
/** Список разрешённых для бонусов системных названий статов
* @var array
private array $sysNames;
public function __construct(User $user)
$this->u = $user;
$this->sysNames = Db::getColumn('select sys_name from const_stats where is_bonus = true');
$this->sysNames['hpAll'] = $this->sysNames['hpall'];
$this->sysNames['mpAll'] = $this->sysNames['mpall'];
unset($this->sysNames['hpall'], $this->sysNames['mpall']);
* Собирает суммы всех бонусов с одетых предметов, комплектов предметов, активных эфектов.
* @param int $userId
* @return array
public static function getAllBonuses(int $userId): array
$iData = [];
$im = ItemsModel::getWearedItems($userId);
foreach ($im as $item) {
$iData[] = $item['data'];
$iData[] = Db::getValue('select data from eff_users where uid = ? and `delete` = 0', [$userId]);
$params = [];
$complects = [];
foreach ($iData as $datum) {
$arr = Conversion::dataStringToArray($datum);
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
if ($k === 'complect') {
if (isset($complects[$v])) {
} else {
$complects[$v] = 1;
if (!str_contains($k, 'add_')) {
$k = str_replace('add_', '', $k);
self::setBonusValue($params, $k, $v);
return self::addComplectsBonuses($complects, $params);
private static function setBonusValue(array &$array, $key, $value): void
if (isset($array[$key])) {
$array[$key] += $value;
} else {
$array[$key] = $value;
* @param array $complects
* @param array $params
* @return array
private static function addComplectsBonuses(array $complects, array $params): array
$cdata = [];
if (!empty($complects)) {
foreach ($complects as $complectId => $wearedItemsQuantity) {
$cdata[] = Db::getValue('select data from complects where com = ? and x <= ? order by x desc limit 1', [$complectId, $wearedItemsQuantity]);
foreach ($cdata as $datum) {
$arr = Conversion::dataStringToArray($datum);
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
self::setBonusValue($params, $k, $v);
return $params;
/** Данные для отрисовки логина и полосок жизни\маны.
* @param User $u
* @return object
public static function getLoginHpManaBars(User $u): object
$hpNow = floor($u->stats['hpNow']);
$hpAll = $u->stats['hpAll'];
$mpNow = floor($u->stats['mpNow']);
$mpAll = $u->stats['mpAll'];
//floor(120 / 100 * ($hpNow / $hpAll * 100)); // ??????
$ph = ($hpAll > 0 && $hpNow > 0) ? floor(120 / $hpNow / $hpAll) : 0;
$pm = ($mpAll > 0 && $mpNow > 0) ? floor(120 / $mpNow / $mpAll) : 0;
return (object)[
'uid' => $u->info['id'],
'login' => $u->microLogin($u->info['id']),
'hpbarwidth' => $ph,
'mpbarwidth' => $pm,
'hpbartext' => ' ' . $hpNow . '/' . $hpAll,
'mpbartext' => ' ' . $mpNow . '/' . $mpAll,
'divstyle' => $pm === 0 ? ' margin-top:13px;' : '',
'hasmana' => $mpAll > 0,
public function getStats(int|array|null $uid = null, $i1 = 0, $res = 0, $reimg = false, $btl_cache = false): array
if (empty($uid) || $uid == $this->u->info['id'] && $res != 1) {
//$u = $this->u->info;
$u = User::getInfo($uid);
} elseif (is_array($uid)) {
$u = $uid;
} else {
$u = User::getInfo($uid);
if (!isset($u['id'])) {
return [];
// Как? Нахуя 4 переменные разные для одного и того же?
$st = array_fill_keys($this->sysNames, 0);
$sti = $st;
$s_v = $st;
$s_vi = $st;
$u['clanpos'] = 0;
if ($u['clan'] > 0) {
$r1 = Db::getValue('select pos from aaa_clan_reting_list where clan = ? and date = ? limit 1', [$u['clan'], date('dmY')]);
if (!empty($r1)) {
$st['clanpos'] = $r1;
$lvl = Db::getRow('select * from levels where upLevel = ?', [$u['upLevel']]);
if (isset($lvl['upLevel'])) {
$st['levels'] = $lvl;
} else {
$st['levels'] = 'undefined';
$st['id'] = $u['id'];
$st['login'] = $u['login'];
$st['lvl'] = $u['level'];
$st['hpNow'] = $u['hpNow'];
$st['hpAll'] = 0;
$st['mpNow'] = $u['mpNow'];
$st['mpAll'] = 0;
$st['zona'] = 1;
$st['zonb'] = 2;
$st['items'] = [];
$st['effects'] = [];
$st['reting'] = 0;
$st['vip'] = $u['vip'];
$stats = Conversion::dataStringToArray($u['stats']);
foreach ($stats as $stat => $value) {
if (isset($st[$stat]) && is_numeric($value)) {
$st[$stat] += $value;
} else {
$st[$stat] = $value;
$baseStats = $st;
//Шаблонные картинки
if ($this->u->info['id'] === $u['id'] || $reimg) {
$itemsImages = Db::getRows('select * from items_img where uid = ? and img_id != 0', [$u['id']]);
foreach ($itemsImages as $itemsImage) {
$reimage = Db::getRow('select * from reimage where ((uid = ? and clan = 0) or clan = ?) and good > 0 and bad = 0 and id = ?', [$u['id'], $u['clan'], $itemsImage['img_id']]);
if (isset($reimage['id'])) {
$st['items_img'][$itemsImage['type']] = $reimage['id'] . '.' . $reimage['format'];
} else {
Db::sql('update items_img set img_id = 0 where id = ?', [$itemsImage['id']]);
[$hnd1, $hnd2, $sht1, $oza, $ozm, $dom, $coms] = $this->addWearedItemsBonuses($u['id'], $st, $s_v, $baseStats);
$this->addMedalsBonuses($u['id'], $st);
$noeffectbattle = false;
if ($u['battle'] > 0) {
$noeffectbattle = (bool)Db::getValue("select 1 from battle_actions where uid = ? and vars = 'noeffectbattle1' and btl = ? limit 1", [$u['id'], $u['battle']]);
//Характеристики от эффектов
$h = 0;
$nbs = array_fill_keys(range(4899, 4909), 0);
$prsu = [];
if (!$noeffectbattle) {
$efs = Db::getRows("select * from eff_users left join eff_main on id2 = id_eff where uid = ? and deactiveTime < unix_timestamp() and v1 != 'priem' order by id desc", [$u['id']]);
foreach ($efs as $e) {
if ($u['dnow'] == 0) {
if ($u['battle'] == 0) {
Db::sql('delete from eff_users where id_eff = ? and uid = ? and id != ?', [$e['id_eff'], $u['id'], $e['id']]);
//Переводим в заряды
if ($e['hod'] != -1) {
Db::sql('update eff_users set hod = -1, timeUse = unix_timestamp() + ? where id = ?', [$e['hod'] * Config::get('effz') - $e['actionTime'], $e['id']]);
} elseif (Config::get('effz') > 0 && $e['hod'] == -1) {
$efzz = round(($e['timeUse'] + $e['actionTime'] + $e['timeAce']) - time());
if ($efzz > 0) {
Db::sql('update eff_users set hod = ? where id = ?', [$efzz / Config::get('effz'), $e['id']]);
if ($e['timeUse'] + $e['timeAce'] + $e['actionTime'] > time() || $e['timeUse'] == 77) {
if ($e['v1'] == 'priem') {
$prsu[$e['v2']] = 0 + $prsu['x'];
$st['effects'][$h] = $e;
$sts = Conversion::dataStringToArray($e['data']);
if (isset($sts['itempl']) && $sts['itempl'] > 0) {
$nbs[$sts['itempl']] += 1;
if (isset($sts['puti'])) {
$st['puti'] = $sts['puti'];
if (isset($sts['add_silver'])) {
$st['slvtm'] = $e['timeUse'] + $e['actionTime'];
$this->addValuesToAllArrays($sts, $st, $sti, $s_v, $s_vi);
} else {
//удаляем эффект
if (
$e['img2'] != 'tz.gif' ||
$u['id'] == $this->u->info['id']
) {
if ($e['sleeptime'] == 0) {
$this->u->endEffect($e['id'], $u);
$st['act'] = 1;
} else {
$st['noeffectbattle1'] = 1;
$this->addWearedItemsIllusion($nbs, $st);
$this->addInBattlePriemsBonuses($u, $st, $prsu, $sti, $s_v, $s_vi);
//Характеристики от статов
$st['hpAll'] += $st['s4'] * 5;
$st['mpAll'] += $st['s6'] * 10;
$st['m1'] += $st['s3'] * 5;
// мф.анти-крит = 2.5
$st['m2'] += $st['s3'] * 5;
// мф.уворот = 2.5
$st['m4'] += $st['s2'] * 5;
// мф.анти-уворот = 2.5
$st['m5'] += $st['s2'] * 5;
$st['za'] += $st['s4'] * 1.0;
$st['zm'] += $st['s4'] * 0.0;
$st['m19'] += round($st['s3'] * 0.03);
//Мощность против "Мощность крит. урона". Гамс
$st['antm3'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
//Бонусы комплектов
if (is_iterable($coms['new'])) {
foreach ($coms['new'] as $complect) {
$com = Db::getValue('select data from complects where com = ? and x <= ? order by x desc limit 1',
(int)$coms['com'][$complect], // кол-во предметов данного комплекта
if (!$com) {
$sti = Conversion::dataStringToArray($com);
foreach ($this->sysNames as $stat) {
if (!isset($sti[$stat])) {
$st[$stat] += $sti[$stat];
//Замена свитков
if ($u['autospell'] != 0 && $u['battle'] == 0) {
//проверяем свитки
$sparr = [];
foreach (Db::getRows('select item_id, inOdet from items_users where inOdet between 40 and 50 and uid = ? order by item_id desc', [$u['id']]) as $scroll) {
$sparr[] = "{$scroll['item_id']} - {$scroll['inOdet']}";
$splink = implode(',', $sparr);
//Запоминаем новый комплект свитков
if ($u['autospell'] == 1) {
$u['autospell'] = $splink;
Db::sql('update users set autospell = ? where id = ?', [$splink, $u['id']]);
//Выдаем нужный свиток, если он есть в инвентаре
if ($u['autospell'] != $splink) {
$spe1 = explode(',', $splink);
$spe2 = explode(',', $u['autospell']);
$spe1g = [];
$spe2g = [];
for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$spe1a = explode('-', $spe1[$i]);
$spe2a = explode('-', $spe2[$i]);
if (isset($spe1a[0])) {
$spe1g[$spe1a[1]] = $spe1a[0];
if (isset($spe2a[0])) {
$spe2g[$spe2a[1]] = $spe2a[0];
for ($i = 40; $i <= 50; $i++) {
if ($spe1g[$i] == $spe2g[$i] || $spe1g[$i] != 0) {
Db::sql('update items_users set inOdet = ? where inOdet = 0 and `delete` = 0 and inTransfer = 0 and inShop = 0 and inGroup = 0 and item_id = ? and uid = ?',
[$i, $spe2g[$i], $u['id']]);
//Бонусы статов
//если второе оружие одето
if ($hnd2 == 1 && $hnd1 == 1) {
if ($sht1 == 1) {
}/* Владения */
//mib1-mib4, mab1-mab4 armor??
if (isset($st['s5'])) {
$st['pm1'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
$st['pm2'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
$st['pm3'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
$st['pm4'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
$st['pm5'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
$st['pm6'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
$st['pm7'] += $st['s5'] * 0.5;
if (isset($st['m11a'])) {
$st['pm1'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
$st['pm2'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
$st['pm3'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
$st['pm4'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
$st['pm5'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
$st['pm6'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
$st['pm7'] += $st['m11a'] * 0.5;
if (isset($st['aall'])) {
$st['a1'] += $st['aall'];
$st['a2'] += $st['aall'];
$st['a3'] += $st['aall'];
$st['a4'] += $st['aall'];
$st['a5'] += $st['aall'];
$st['a6'] += $st['aall'];
$st['a7'] += $st['aall'];
if (isset($st['m2all'])) {
$st['mg1'] += $st['m2all'];
$st['mg2'] += $st['m2all'];
$st['mg3'] += $st['m2all'];
$st['mg4'] += $st['m2all'];
$st['mg5'] += $st['m2all'];
$st['mg6'] += $st['m2all'];
$st['mg7'] += $st['m2all'];
if (isset($st['zm'])) {
$st['zm1'] += $st['zm'];
$st['zm2'] += $st['zm'];
$st['zm3'] += $st['zm'];
$st['zm4'] += $st['zm'];
$st['zm5'] += $st['zm'];
$st['zm6'] += $st['zm'];
$st['zm7'] += $st['zm'];
if (isset($st['zma'])) {
$st['zm1'] += $st['zma'];
$st['zm2'] += $st['zma'];
$st['zm3'] += $st['zma'];
$st['zm4'] += $st['zma'];
$st['zm5'] += $st['zma'];
$st['zm6'] += $st['zma'];
$st['zm7'] += $st['zma'];
if (isset($st['mall'])) {
$st['mg1'] += $st['mall'];
$st['mg2'] += $st['mall'];
$st['mg3'] += $st['mall'];
$st['mg4'] += $st['mall'];
if (isset($st['m11'])) {
$st['pm1'] += $st['m11'];
$st['pm2'] += $st['m11'];
$st['pm3'] += $st['m11'];
$st['pm4'] += $st['m11'];
if (isset($st['m10'])) {
$st['pa1'] += $st['m10'];
$st['pa2'] += $st['m10'];
$st['pa3'] += $st['m10'];
$st['pa4'] += $st['m10'];
if (isset($st['za'])) {
$st['za1'] += $st['za'];
$st['za2'] += $st['za'];
$st['za3'] += $st['za'];
$st['za4'] += $st['za'];
$st['yzm1'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm2'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm3'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm4'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm5'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm6'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm7'] += $st['yzma'];
$st['yzm1'] += $st['yzm'];//стихийный урон только
$st['yzm2'] += $st['yzm'];
$st['yzm3'] += $st['yzm'];
$st['yzm4'] += $st['yzm'];
$st['yza1'] += $st['yza'];//урон оружия
$st['yza2'] += $st['yza'];
$st['yza3'] += $st['yza'];
$st['yza4'] += $st['yza'];
//Отнимает от защиты от урона
if ($st['yza1'] > 0) {
$st['za1'] = max($st['za1'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yza1']), 0);
if ($st['yza2'] > 0) {
$st['za2'] = max($st['za2'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yza2']), 0);
if ($st['yza3'] > 0) {
$st['za3'] = max($st['za3'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yza3']), 0);
if ($st['yza4'] > 0) {
$st['za4'] = max($st['za4'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yza4']), 0);
//Отнимает от защиты от магии
if ($st['yzm1'] > 0) {
$st['zm1'] = max($st['zm1'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yzm1']), 0);
if ($st['yzm2'] > 0) {
$st['zm2'] = max($st['zm2'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yzm2']), 0);
if ($st['yzm3'] > 0) {
$st['zm3'] = max($st['zm3'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yzm3']), 0);
if ($st['yzm4'] > 0) {
$st['zm4'] = max($st['zm4'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yzm4']), 0);
if ($st['yzm7'] > 0) {
$st['zm7'] = max($st['zm7'] / 100 * (100 + $st['yzm7']), 0);
if (!empty($st['hpVinos'])) {
$st['hpAll'] += round($st['hpVinos'] * $st['s4']);
if (!empty($st['mpVinos'])) {
$st['mpAll'] += round($st['mpVinos'] * $st['s6']);
if (!empty($st['hpProc'])) {
$st['hpAll'] += round($st['hpAll'] / 100 * $st['hpProc']);
if (!empty($st['mpProc'])) {
$st['mpAll'] += round($st['mpAll'] / 100 * $st['mpProc']);
//Реген. - 250 ед.
//конец бонусов
$st['hpNow'] = Comparsion::minimax($st['hpNow'], 0, $st['hpAll']);
$st['mpNow'] = Comparsion::minimax($st['mpNow'], 0, $st['mpAll']);
//зоны блока и удара
if ($st['zona'] < 1) {
$st['zona'] = 1;
if ($st['zona'] > 5) {
$st['zona'] = 5;
if ($st['zonb'] < 1) {
$st['zonb'] = 1;
if ($st['zonb'] > 3) {
$st['zonb'] = 3;
$st['ozash'] = $oza;
$st['ozmsh'] = $ozm;
$st['weapon1'] = $hnd1;
$st['weapon2'] = $hnd2;
$st['sheld1'] = $sht1;
$st['sv_'] = $s_v;
$st['sv_i'] = $s_vi;
$st['dom'] = $dom;
$st['prsu'] = $prsu;
$st['x'] = $u['x'];
$st['y'] = $u['y'];
$st['s'] = $u['s'];
$this->addDungeonsBonuses($u['id'], $st);
//Добавочный подьем для игроков
$st['maxves'] += 100;
$this->addAdminBonuses($u, $st);
if (date('H') >= 22 && date('H') <= 10) {
$st['exp'] += 25;
//Сохраняем рейтинг игрока
$st['reting'] = floor($st['reting']);
if (isset($st['btl_cof'], $st['prckr']) && $st['btl_cof'] != $st['prckr']) {
$st['btl_cof'] = $st['prckr'];
Db::sql('update stats set btl_cof = ? where id = ?', [$st['prckr'], $st['id']]);
if ($st['hpAll'] < 1) {
$st['hpAll'] = 1;
if ($st['mpAll'] < 0) {
$st['mpAll'] = 0;
if (stristr($u['login'], '(зверь ') || (stristr($u['login'], 'Каменный страж') && $u['ip'] == '0')) {
$st['this_animal'] = 1;
} else {
$st['this_animal'] = 0;
$rt = [];
if ($i1 == 1) {
$rt[0] = $st;
$rt[1] = $baseStats; //родные статы
} else {
$rt = $st;
if ($u['hpAll'] != $st['hpAll'] || $u['mpAll'] != $st['mpAll']) {
Db::sql('update stats set hpAll = ?, mpAll = ? where id = ?', [$st['hpAll'], $st['mpAll'], $u['id']]);
if ($btl_cache) {
$dataca = [
'st' => $st,
'st2' => $baseStats,
$dataca = json_encode($dataca);
Db::sql('insert into battle_cache (battle, uid, time, data) values (?,?,unix_timestamp(),?)', [$u['battle'], $u['id'], $dataca]);
return $rt;
private function addWearedItemsBonuses(int $uid, array &$st, array &$s_v, array $baseStats): array
//Характеристики от предметов //ТУТ tr_lvl
// Вся вторая строчка - спасибо Users.
$wearedItems = Db::getRows('select type, data, inOdet,
item_id, inslot, useInBattle, btl_zd, iznosNOW, iznosMAX, magic_inci, name,, img, `2h`
from items_users left join items_main on = item_id where inOdet != 0 and uid = ?', [$uid]);
$h = 0;
$hnd1 = 0;
$hnd2 = 0;
$sht1 = 0;
$reitm = [];
$coms = []; // комплекты
$dom = [];
$oza = [
1 => [0, 0],
2 => [0, 0],
3 => [0, 0],
4 => [0, 0],
]; //особенности защиты
$ozm = [
1 => [0, 0],
2 => [0, 0],
3 => [0, 0],
4 => [0, 0],
]; //особенности магии
$st['reting'] = 0;
foreach ($wearedItems as $wearedItem) {
$st['wp' . $wearedItem['inOdet'] . 'id'] = $h;
$st['items'][$h] = $wearedItem;
if ($wearedItem['inOdet'] == 3 &&
(($wearedItem['type'] >= 18 && $wearedItem['type'] <= 24) ||
$wearedItem['type'] == 26 ||
$wearedItem['type'] == 27 ||
$wearedItem['type'] == 28)) {
$hnd1 = 1;
if ($wearedItem['inOdet'] == 14 &&
(($wearedItem['type'] >= 18 && $wearedItem['type'] <= 24) ||
$wearedItem['type'] == 26 ||
$wearedItem['type'] == 27 ||
$wearedItem['type'] == 28)) {
$hnd2 = 1;
} elseif ($wearedItem['inOdet'] == 14 && $wearedItem['type'] == 13) {
$sht1 = 1;
$sti = Conversion::dataStringToArray($wearedItem['data']);
if ($wearedItem['inOdet'] <= 18 && $wearedItem['inOdet'] > 0) {
$st['reting'] += 1;
$ko = 1;
while ($ko <= 4) {
if (isset($sti['add_oza' . $ko])) {
if (isset($sti['add_oza'])) {
if ($sti['add_oza'] == 1) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 1;
$oza[$ko][1] += 9;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza'] == 2) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 20;
$oza[$ko][1] += 39;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza'] == 3) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 40;
$oza[$ko][1] += 69;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza'] == 4) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 10;
$oza[$ko][1] += 19;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza'] == 5) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 70;
$oza[$ko][1] += 89;
if (isset($sti['add_ozm'])) {
if ($sti['add_ozm'] == 1) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 1;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 9;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm'] == 2) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 20;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 39;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm'] == 3) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 40;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 69;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm'] == 4) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 10;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 19;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm'] == 5) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 70;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 89;
} else {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 1;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 9;
if ($sti['add_oza' . $ko] == 1) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 1;
$oza[$ko][1] += 9;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza' . $ko] == 2) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 20;
$oza[$ko][1] += 39;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza' . $ko] == 3) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 40;
$oza[$ko][1] += 69;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza' . $ko] == 4) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 10;
$oza[$ko][1] += 19;
} elseif ($sti['add_oza' . $ko] == 5) {
$oza[$ko][0] += 70;
$oza[$ko][1] += 89;
if (isset($sti['add_ozm' . $ko])) {
if ($sti['add_ozm' . $ko] == 1) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 1;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 9;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm' . $ko] == 2) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 20;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 39;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm' . $ko] == 3) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 40;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 69;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm' . $ko] == 4) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 10;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 19;
} elseif ($sti['add_ozm' . $ko] == 5) {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 70;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 89;
} else {
$ozm[$ko][0] += 1;
$ozm[$ko][1] += 9;
if (isset($sti['art'])) {
if (!isset($st['art'])) {
$st['art'] = 0;
$st['art'] += $sti['art'];
if (isset($sti['maks_itm'])) {
if (!isset($st['maks_itm'])) {
$st['maks_itm'] = 0;
$st['maks_itm'] += $sti['maks_itm'];
if (isset($sti['complect'])) {
$coms[count($coms)]['id'] = $sti['complect'];
if (!isset($coms['com'][$sti['complect']])) {
$coms['com'][$sti['complect']] = 0;
if (!isset($coms['new'])) {
$coms['new'] = [];
$coms['new'][count($coms['new'])] = $sti['complect'];
if (isset($sti['complect2'])) {
$coms[count($coms)]['id'] = $sti['complect2'];
if (!isset($coms['com'][$sti['complect2']])) {
$coms['com'][$sti['complect2']] = 0;
if (!isset($coms['new'])) {
$coms['new'] = [];
$coms['new'][count($coms['new'])] = $sti['complect2'];
if (isset($sti['zonb']) && $sti['zonb'] != 0) {
if (!isset($st['zonb'])) {
$st['zonb'] = 0;
$st['zonb'] += $sti['zonb'];
if (isset($sti['zona']) && $sti['zona'] != 0) {
if (!isset($st['zona'])) {
$st['zona'] = 0;
$st['zona'] += $sti['zona'];
//Добавляем статы от данного предмета
if (!isset($sti['restart_stats'])) {
foreach ($this->sysNames as $stat) {
if (!isset($sti['add_' . $stat])) {
$st[$stat] += (int)$sti['add_' . $stat];
} else {
$reitm[] = $sti;
foreach ($this->sysNames as $stat) {
if (!isset($sti['sv_' . $stat])) {
$s_v[$stat] += (int)$sti['sv_' . $stat];
//Сохраненные хар-ки и умения
if (!empty($reitm)) {
$i39 = [0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0];
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($reitm)) {
if (isset($reitm[$i]['sm_skill']) && $i39[0] == 0) {
$i9 = 1;
$i39[0] = 1;
while ($i9 <= 7) {
$st['a' . $i9] = $st['a' . $i9] - $baseStats['a' . $i9] + $reitm[$i]['add_a' . $i9];
$st['mg' . $i9] = $st['mg' . $i9] - $baseStats['mg' . $i9] + $reitm[$i]['add_mg' . $i9];
} elseif (isset($reitm[$i]['sm_abil']) && $i39[1] == 0) {
$i9 = 1;
$i39[1] = 1;
while ($i9 <= 12) {
$st['s' . $i9] = $st['s' . $i9] - $baseStats['s' . $i9] + $reitm[$i]['add_s' . $i9];
} elseif (isset($reitm[$i]['sm_skill2']) && $i39[2] == 0) {
$i39[2] = 1;
return [$hnd1, $hnd2, $sht1, $oza, $ozm, $dom, $coms];
private function addMedalsBonuses(int $uid, array &$st): void
//Харки от иконок
$efs = Db::getColumn('select bonus from users_ico where uid = ? and (endTime > unix_timestamp() or endTime = 0)', [$uid]);
foreach ($efs as $data) {
$sts = Conversion::dataStringToArray($data);
foreach ($sts as $paramName => $value) {
//todo убедиться, что не могут прилететь параметры, которых нет в словарей бонусов предметов
if (!str_contains(implode(',', $this->sysNames), 'add_' . $paramName)) { // есть ли параметр в разрешенных?
if (empty($st['add_' . $paramName])) {
$st['add_' . $paramName] = 0;
$st['add_' . $paramName] += (int)$value;
private function addValuesToAllArrays(array $sts, array &$st, array &$sti, array &$s_v, array &$s_vi): void
foreach ($this->sysNames as $stat) {
if (!isset($sts['add_' . $stat])) {
$st[$stat] += intval($sts['add_' . $stat]);
$sti[$stat] += intval($sts['add_' . $stat]);
if (!isset($sts['sv_' . $stat])) {
$s_v[$stat] += intval($sts['sv_' . $stat]);
$s_vi[$stat] += intval($sts['sv_' . $stat]);
private function addWearedItemsIllusion(array $nbs, array &$st): void
//Заглушки от эффектов
if ($nbs[4899] > 0) {
//Зеленый комплект
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion4.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion4.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4900] > 0) {
//Золото комплект
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion5.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion5.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4901] > 0) {
//Голубой комплект
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion3.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion3.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4902] > 0) {
//Синий комплект
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion6.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion6.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4903] > 0) {
//Желтый комплект
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion8.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion8.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4904] > 0) {
//Сиреневое платье
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion7.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion7.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4905] > 0) {
//Оранжевое платье
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion9.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion9.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4908] > 0) {
//Набор Темной Одежды
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][10] = 'boots_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][9] = 'belt_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][5] = 'naruchi_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][4] = 'helmet_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][12] = 'perchi_illusion2.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4906] > 0) {
//Набор Бриллиантовой Одежды
$st['items_img'][8] = 'robe_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][11] = 'leg_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][10] = 'boots_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][9] = 'belt_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][5] = 'naruchi_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][4] = 'helmet_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][12] = 'perchi_illusion1.gif';
if ($nbs[4909] > 0) {
//Набор Золотых украшений
$st['items_img'][13] = 'ring_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][17] = 'ring_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][18] = 'ring_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][14] = 'amulet_illusion2.gif';
$st['items_img'][15] = 'earrings_illusion2.gif';
} elseif ($nbs[4907] > 0) {
//Набор Золотых украшений
$st['items_img'][13] = 'ring_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][17] = 'ring_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][18] = 'ring_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][14] = 'amulet_illusion1.gif';
$st['items_img'][15] = 'earrings_illusion1.gif';
private function addInBattlePriemsBonuses(array $u, array &$st, array &$prsu, array &$sti, array &$s_v, array &$s_vi): void
if ($u['battle'] <= 0) {
//Характеристики от приемов
$st['set_pog'] = [];
$st['set_pog2'] = [];
$efs = Db::getRows("select * from eff_users where uid = ? and deactiveTime < unix_timestamp() and v1 = 'priem' order by id", [$u['id']]);
$h = 0;
foreach ($efs as $e) {
$e['type1'] = 14;
$e['img'] = $e['img2'];
if ($e['tr_life_user'] > 0) {
$trlu = Db::getValue('select hpNow from stats where id = ?', [$e['tr_life_user']]);
if (!$trlu || $trlu < 1) {
$this->u->endEffect($e['id'], $u);
$st['act'] = 1;
if ($e['timeUse'] + $e['timeAce'] + $e['actionTime'] > time() || $e['timeUse'] == 77) {
if ($e['v1'] == 'priem') {
$prsu[$e['v2']] = 0 + $prsu['x'];
$st['effects'][$h] = $e;
$sts = Conversion::dataStringToArray($e['data']);
if ($e['v2'] == 217) {
$st['raztac'] = 1;
if (isset($sts['add_pog'])) {
$ctt = count($st['set_pog']);
$st['set_pog'][$ctt]['id'] = $h;
$st['set_pog'][$ctt]['y'] = $sts['add_pog'];
if (isset($sts['natoe'])) {
$st['set_natoe']['id'] = $h;
$st['set_natoe']['a'] = 0 + $sts['natoe_end'];
$st['set_natoe']['b'] = 0 + $sts['natoe'];
$st['set_natoe']['eff_id'] = $e['id'];
$st['set_natoe']['t'] = 0 + $sts['natoe_type'];
$st['set_natoe']['user_id'] = $e['tr_life_user'];
if (isset($sts['add_pog2'])) {
$ctt = count($st['set_pog2']);
$st['set_pog2'][$ctt]['id'] = $h;
$st['set_pog2'][$ctt]['y'] = $sts['add_pog2'];
$st['set_pog2'][$ctt]['p'] = $sts['add_pog2p'];
$st['set_pog2'][$ctt]['m'] = $sts['add_pog2mp'];
$this->addValuesToAllArrays($sts, $st, $sti, $s_v, $s_vi);
} else {
//удаляем эффект
$this->u->endEffect($e['id'], $u);
$st['act'] = 1;
private function addStatBonuses(array &$st): void
private function addStrengthBonuses(array &$st): void
if ($st['s1'] > 24 && $st['s1'] < 50) {
$st['m2'] += 15;
if ($st['s1'] > 49 && $st['s1'] < 75) {
$st['pa2'] += 2;
$st['m2'] += 35;
if ($st['s1'] > 74 && $st['s1'] < 100) {
$st['pa2'] += 5;
$st['m2'] += 50;
if ($st['s1'] > 99 && $st['s1'] < 125) {
$st['pa2'] += 8;
$st['m2'] += 80;
if ($st['s1'] > 124 && $st['s1'] < 150) {
$st['pa2'] += 12;
$st['m2'] += 105;
if ($st['s1'] > 149 && $st['s1'] < 175) {
$st['pa2'] += 17;
$st['m7'] += 2;
if ($st['s1'] > 174 && $st['s1'] < 200) {
$st['pa2'] += 23;
$st['m7'] += 5;
if ($st['s1'] > 199) {
$st['pa2'] += 30;
$st['m7'] += 7;
private function addDexterityBonuses(array &$st): void
if ($st['s2'] > 24 && $st['s2'] < 50) {
$st['pa1'] += 2;
$st['m4'] += 35;
if ($st['s2'] > 49 && $st['s2'] < 75) {
$st['pa1'] += 5;
$st['m2'] += 40;
$st['m4'] += 75;
if ($st['s2'] > 74 && $st['s2'] < 100) {
$st['pa1'] += 8;
$st['m2'] += 65;
$st['m4'] += 90;
if ($st['s2'] > 99 && $st['s2'] < 125) {
$st['pa1'] += 12;
$st['m2'] += 75;
$st['m4'] += 105;
if ($st['s2'] > 124 && $st['s2'] < 150) {
$st['pa1'] += 17;
$st['m2'] += 85;
$st['m4'] += 105;
$st['m15'] += 1;
if ($st['s2'] > 149 && $st['s2'] < 175) {
$st['pa1'] += 20;
$st['m2'] += 110;
$st['m4'] += 115;
$st['m15'] += 2;
if ($st['s2'] > 174 && $st['s2'] < 200) {
$st['pa1'] += 23;
$st['m2'] += 145;
$st['m4'] += 145;
$st['m15'] += 3;
if ($st['s2'] > 199) {
$st['pa1'] += 30;
$st['m2'] += 165;
$st['m4'] += 165;
$st['m15'] += 5;
private function addIntuitionBonuses(array &$st): void
if ($st['s3'] >= 200) {
$st['m1'] += 185;
$st['m3'] += 40;
$st['m5'] += 65;
$st['m14'] += 5;
$st['pa4'] += 30;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 175) {
$st['m1'] += 165;
$st['m3'] += 35;
$st['m5'] += 55;
$st['m14'] += 3;
$st['pa4'] += 23;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 150) {
$st['m1'] += 145;
$st['m3'] += 30;
$st['m5'] += 50;
$st['m14'] += 2;
$st['pa4'] += 20;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 125) {
$st['m1'] += 125;
$st['m3'] += 20;
$st['m5'] += 45;
$st['m14'] += 1;
$st['pa4'] += 17;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 100) {
$st['m1'] += 105;
$st['m3'] += 15;
$st['m5'] += 35;
$st['pa4'] += 12;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 75) {
$st['m1'] += 75;
$st['m3'] += 10;
$st['m5'] += 25;
$st['pa4'] += 8;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 50) {
$st['m1'] += 55;
$st['m3'] += 5;
$st['pa4'] += 5;
} elseif ($st['s3'] >= 25) {
$st['m1'] += 25;
$st['m3'] += 2;
$st['pa4'] += 2;
private function addEnduranceBonuses(array &$st): void
if ($st['s4'] > 0) {
$st['hpAll'] += 30;
if ($st['s4'] > 24 && $st['s4'] < 50) {
$st['hpAll'] += 50;
if ($st['s4'] > 49 && $st['s4'] < 75) {
$st['hpAll'] += 100;
if ($st['s4'] > 74 && $st['s4'] < 100) {
$st['hpAll'] += 175;
$st['m19'] += 2;
if ($st['s4'] > 99 && $st['s4'] < 125) {
$st['hpAll'] += 250;
$st['m19'] += 4;
if ($st['s4'] > 124 && $st['s4'] < 150) {
$st['hpAll'] += 400;
$st['za'] += 25;
$st['zm'] += 25;
if ($st['s4'] > 149 && $st['s4'] < 175) {
$st['hpAll'] += 450;
$st['za'] += 50;
$st['zm'] += 50;
if ($st['s4'] > 174 && $st['s4'] < 200) {
$st['hpAll'] += 600;
$st['za'] += 100;
$st['zm'] += 100;
if ($st['s4'] > 199) {
$st['hpAll'] += 850;
$st['za'] += 125;
$st['zm'] += 125;
private function addIntelligenceBonuses(array &$st): void
if ($st['s5'] > 24 && $st['s5'] < 50) {
$st['m11'] += 10;
if ($st['s5'] > 49 && $st['s5'] < 75) {
$st['m11'] += 15;
if ($st['s5'] > 74 && $st['s5'] < 100) {
$st['m11'] += 20;
if ($st['s5'] > 99 && $st['s5'] < 125) {
$st['m11'] += 25;
if ($st['s5'] > 124 && $st['s5'] < 150) {
$st['m11'] += 35;
if ($st['s5'] > 149 && $st['s5'] < 175) {
$st['m11'] += 50;
if ($st['s5'] > 174) {
$st['m11'] += 65;
$st['pzm'] += 2;
if ($st['s5'] > 199) {
$st['pzm'] += 5;
private function addWisdomBonuses(array &$st): void
if ($st['s6'] > 24 && $st['s6'] < 50) {
$st['mpAll'] += 150;
$st['speedmp'] += 100;
if ($st['s6'] > 49 && $st['s6'] < 75) {
$st['mpAll'] += 200;
$st['speedmp'] += 200;
if ($st['s6'] > 74 && $st['s6'] < 100) {
$st['mpAll'] += 250;
$st['speedmp'] += 350;
if ($st['s6'] > 99 && $st['s6'] < 125) {
$st['mpAll'] += 350;
$st['speedmp'] += 500;
if ($st['s6'] > 124 && $st['s6'] < 150) {
$st['mpAll'] += 500;
$st['speedmp'] += 500;
$st['pzm'] += 2;
if ($st['s6'] > 149 && $st['s6'] < 175) {
$st['mpAll'] += 700;
$st['speedmp'] += 600;
$st['pzm'] += 3;
if ($st['s6'] > 174 && $st['s6'] < 200) {
$st['mpAll'] += 900;
$st['speedmp'] += 700;
$st['pzm'] += 5;
if ($st['s6'] > 199) {
$st['mpAll'] += 900;
$st['speedmp'] += 700;
$st['pzm'] += 7;
private function addDungeonsBonuses(int $id, array &$st): void
$finishedDungeons = Db::getValue('select
if(repcapitalcity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repdemonscity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repangelscity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repdevilscity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repmooncity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repsuncity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repsandcity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repemeraldscity > 24999, 1, 0) +
if(repizlom > 24999, 1, 0) +
0 as finished from rep where id = ?', [$id]);
//Бонус за количество полностью вырытых пещер.
$st['m10'] += 10 * $finishedDungeons;
$st['pzm'] += $finishedDungeons;
private function addAdminBonuses(array $u, array &$st): void
if (!$u['admin']) {
$st['speed_dungeon'] = 500;
$st['speedhp'] = 500;
if (!$u['battle']) {
Db::sql("update stats set
tactic1 = tactic2 = tactic3 = tactic4 = tactic5 = tactic6 = tactic7 = 25,
priems_z = '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|'
where id = ?", [$u['id']]);