1283 lines
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1283 lines
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/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* Library that provides common import functions that are used by import plugins
* @package PhpMyAdmin-Import
if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {
* We need to know something about user
require_once './libraries/check_user_privileges.lib.php';
* We do this check, DROP DATABASE does not need to be confirmed elsewhere
define('PMA_CHK_DROP', 1);
* Checks whether timeout is getting close
* @return boolean true if timeout is close
* @access public
function PMA_checkTimeout()
global $timestamp, $maximum_time, $timeout_passed;
if ($maximum_time == 0) {
return false;
} elseif ($timeout_passed) {
return true;
/* 5 in next row might be too much */
} elseif ((time() - $timestamp) > ($maximum_time - 5)) {
$timeout_passed = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Detects what compression filse uses
* @param string $filepath filename to check
* @return string MIME type of compression, none for none
* @access public
function PMA_detectCompression($filepath)
$file = @fopen($filepath, 'rb');
if (! $file) {
return false;
$test = fread($file, 4);
$len = strlen($test);
if ($len >= 2 && $test[0] == chr(31) && $test[1] == chr(139)) {
return 'application/gzip';
if ($len >= 3 && substr($test, 0, 3) == 'BZh') {
return 'application/bzip2';
if ($len >= 4 && $test == "PK\003\004") {
return 'application/zip';
return 'none';
* Runs query inside import buffer. This is needed to allow displaying
* of last SELECT, SHOW or HANDLER results and similar nice stuff.
* @param string $sql query to run
* @param string $full query to display, this might be commented
* @param bool $controluser whether to use control user for queries
* @param array &$sql_data SQL parse data storage
* @return void
* @access public
function PMA_importRunQuery($sql = '', $full = '', $controluser = false,
&$sql_data = array()
) {
global $import_run_buffer, $go_sql, $complete_query, $display_query,
$sql_query, $my_die, $error, $reload,
$last_query_with_results, $result, $msg,
$skip_queries, $executed_queries, $max_sql_len, $read_multiply,
$cfg, $sql_query_disabled, $db, $run_query, $is_superuser;
$read_multiply = 1;
if (isset($import_run_buffer)) {
// Should we skip something?
if ($skip_queries > 0) {
} else {
if (! empty($import_run_buffer['sql'])
&& trim($import_run_buffer['sql']) != ''
) {
// USE query changes the database, son need to track
// while running multiple queries
= (stripos($import_run_buffer['sql'], "use ") !== false)
? true
: false;
$max_sql_len = max($max_sql_len, strlen($import_run_buffer['sql']));
if (! $sql_query_disabled) {
$sql_query .= $import_run_buffer['full'];
if (! $cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase']
&& ! $is_superuser
&& preg_match('@^[[:space:]]*DROP[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?DATABASE @i', $import_run_buffer['sql'])
) {
$GLOBALS['message'] = PMA_Message::error(__('"DROP DATABASE" statements are disabled.'));
$error = true;
} else {
if ($run_query
&& $GLOBALS['finished']
&& empty($sql)
&& ! $error
&& ((! empty($import_run_buffer['sql'])
&& preg_match('/^[\s]*(SELECT|SHOW|HANDLER)/i', $import_run_buffer['sql']))
|| ($executed_queries == 1))
) {
$go_sql = true;
if (! $sql_query_disabled) {
$complete_query = $sql_query;
$display_query = $sql_query;
} else {
$complete_query = '';
$display_query = '';
$sql_query = $import_run_buffer['sql'];
$sql_data['valid_sql'][] = $import_run_buffer['sql'];
if (! isset($sql_data['valid_queries'])) {
$sql_data['valid_queries'] = 0;
// If a 'USE <db>' SQL-clause was found,
// set our current $db to the new one
list($db, $reload) = PMA_lookForUse(
} elseif ($run_query) {
if ($controluser) {
$result = PMA_queryAsControlUser(
} else {
$result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($import_run_buffer['sql']);
$msg = '# ';
if ($result === false) { // execution failed
if (! isset($my_die)) {
$my_die = array();
$my_die[] = array(
'sql' => $import_run_buffer['full'],
'error' => $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError()
$msg .= __('Error');
if (! $cfg['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors']) {
$error = true;
} else {
$a_num_rows = (int)@$GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result);
$a_aff_rows = (int)@$GLOBALS['dbi']->affectedRows();
if ($a_num_rows > 0) {
$msg .= __('Rows'). ': ' . $a_num_rows;
$last_query_with_results = $import_run_buffer['sql'];
} elseif ($a_aff_rows > 0) {
$message = PMA_Message::getMessageForAffectedRows($a_aff_rows);
$msg .= $message->getMessage();
} else {
$msg .= __('MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).');
if (($a_num_rows > 0) || $is_use_query) {
$sql_data['valid_sql'][] = $import_run_buffer['sql'];
if (! isset($sql_data['valid_queries'])) {
$sql_data['valid_queries'] = 0;
if (! $sql_query_disabled) {
$sql_query .= $msg . "\n";
// If a 'USE <db>' SQL-clause was found and the query
// succeeded, set our current $db to the new one
if ($result != false) {
list($db, $reload) = PMA_lookForUse(
if ($result != false
&& preg_match('@^[\s]*(DROP|CREATE)[\s]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im', $import_run_buffer['sql'])
) {
$reload = true;
} // end run query
} // end if not DROP DATABASE
// end non empty query
} elseif (! empty($import_run_buffer['full'])) {
if ($go_sql) {
$complete_query .= $import_run_buffer['full'];
$display_query .= $import_run_buffer['full'];
} else {
if (! $sql_query_disabled) {
$sql_query .= $import_run_buffer['full'];
// check length of query unless we decided to pass it to sql.php
// (if $run_query is false, we are just displaying so show
// the complete query in the textarea)
if (! $go_sql && $run_query) {
if (! empty($sql_query)) {
if (strlen($sql_query) > 50000
|| $executed_queries > 50
|| $max_sql_len > 1000
) {
$sql_query = '';
$sql_query_disabled = true;
} // end do query (no skip)
} // end buffer exists
// Do we have something to push into buffer?
if (! empty($sql) || ! empty($full)) {
$import_run_buffer = array('sql' => $sql, 'full' => $full);
} else {
* Looks for the presence of USE to possibly change current db
* @param string $buffer buffer to examine
* @param string $db current db
* @param bool $reload reload
* @return array (current or new db, whether to reload)
* @access public
function PMA_lookForUse($buffer, $db, $reload)
if (preg_match('@^[\s]*USE[[:space:]]+([\S]+)@i', $buffer, $match)) {
$db = trim($match[1]);
$db = trim($db, ';'); // for example, USE abc;
// $db must not contain the escape characters generated by backquote()
// ( used in PMA_buildSQL() as: backquote($db_name), and then called
// in PMA_importRunQuery() which in turn calls PMA_lookForUse() )
$db = PMA_Util::unQuote($db);
$reload = true;
return(array($db, $reload));
* Returns next part of imported file/buffer
* @param int $size size of buffer to read
* (this is maximal size function will return)
* @return string part of file/buffer
* @access public
function PMA_importGetNextChunk($size = 32768)
global $compression, $import_handle, $charset_conversion, $charset_of_file,
// Add some progression while reading large amount of data
if ($read_multiply <= 8) {
$size *= $read_multiply;
} else {
$size *= 8;
// We can not read too much
if ($size > $GLOBALS['read_limit']) {
$size = $GLOBALS['read_limit'];
if (PMA_checkTimeout()) {
return false;
if ($GLOBALS['finished']) {
return true;
if ($GLOBALS['import_file'] == 'none') {
// Well this is not yet supported and tested,
// but should return content of textarea
if (strlen($GLOBALS['import_text']) < $size) {
$GLOBALS['finished'] = true;
return $GLOBALS['import_text'];
} else {
$r = substr($GLOBALS['import_text'], 0, $size);
$GLOBALS['offset'] += $size;
$GLOBALS['import_text'] = substr($GLOBALS['import_text'], $size);
return $r;
switch ($compression) {
case 'application/bzip2':
$result = bzread($import_handle, $size);
$GLOBALS['finished'] = feof($import_handle);
case 'application/gzip':
$result = gzread($import_handle, $size);
$GLOBALS['finished'] = feof($import_handle);
case 'application/zip':
$result = substr($GLOBALS['import_text'], 0, $size);
$GLOBALS['import_text'] = substr($GLOBALS['import_text'], $size);
$GLOBALS['finished'] = empty($GLOBALS['import_text']);
case 'none':
$result = fread($import_handle, $size);
$GLOBALS['finished'] = feof($import_handle);
$GLOBALS['offset'] += $size;
if ($charset_conversion) {
return PMA_convertString($charset_of_file, 'utf-8', $result);
} else {
* Skip possible byte order marks (I do not think we need more
* charsets, but feel free to add more, you can use wikipedia for
* reference: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_Order_Mark>)
* @todo BOM could be used for charset autodetection
if ($GLOBALS['offset'] == $size) {
// UTF-8
if (strncmp($result, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) == 0) {
$result = substr($result, 3);
// UTF-16 BE, LE
} elseif (strncmp($result, "\xFE\xFF", 2) == 0
|| strncmp($result, "\xFF\xFE", 2) == 0
) {
$result = substr($result, 2);
return $result;
* Returns the "Excel" column name (i.e. 1 = "A", 26 = "Z", 27 = "AA", etc.)
* This functions uses recursion to build the Excel column name.
* The column number (1-26) is converted to the responding
* ASCII character (A-Z) and returned.
* If the column number is bigger than 26 (= num of letters in alfabet),
* an extra character needs to be added. To find this extra character,
* the number is divided by 26 and this value is passed to another instance
* of the same function (hence recursion). In that new instance the number is
* evaluated again, and if it is still bigger than 26, it is divided again
* and passed to another instance of the same function. This continues until
* the number is smaller than 26. Then the last called function returns
* the corresponding ASCII character to the function that called it.
* Each time a called function ends an extra character is added to the column name.
* When the first function is reached, the last character is addded and the complete
* column name is returned.
* @param int $num the column number
* @return string The column's "Excel" name
* @access public
function PMA_getColumnAlphaName($num)
$A = 65; // ASCII value for capital "A"
$col_name = "";
if ($num > 26) {
$div = (int)($num / 26);
$remain = (int)($num % 26);
// subtract 1 of divided value in case the modulus is 0,
// this is necessary because A-Z has no 'zero'
if ($remain == 0) {
// recursive function call
$col_name = PMA_getColumnAlphaName($div);
// use modulus as new column number
$num = $remain;
if ($num == 0) {
// use 'Z' if column number is 0,
// this is necessary because A-Z has no 'zero'
$col_name .= chr(($A + 26) - 1);
} else {
// convert column number to ASCII character
$col_name .= chr(($A + $num) - 1);
return $col_name;
* Returns the column number based on the Excel name.
* So "A" = 1, "Z" = 26, "AA" = 27, etc.
* Basicly this is a base26 (A-Z) to base10 (0-9) conversion.
* It iterates through all characters in the column name and
* calculates the corresponding value, based on character value
* (A = 1, ..., Z = 26) and position in the string.
* @param string $name column name(i.e. "A", or "BC", etc.)
* @return int The column number
* @access public
function PMA_getColumnNumberFromName($name)
if (! empty($name)) {
$name = strtoupper($name);
$num_chars = strlen($name);
$column_number = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_chars; ++$i) {
// read string from back to front
$char_pos = ($num_chars - 1) - $i;
// convert capital character to ASCII value
// and subtract 64 to get corresponding decimal value
// ASCII value of "A" is 65, "B" is 66, etc.
// Decimal equivalent of "A" is 1, "B" is 2, etc.
$number = (ord($name[$char_pos]) - 64);
// base26 to base10 conversion : multiply each number
// with corresponding value of the position, in this case
// $i=0 : 1; $i=1 : 26; $i=2 : 676; ...
$column_number += $number * PMA_Util::pow(26, $i);
return $column_number;
} else {
return 0;
* Constants definitions
/* MySQL type defs */
define("NONE", 0);
define("VARCHAR", 1);
define("INT", 2);
define("DECIMAL", 3);
define("BIGINT", 4);
define("GEOMETRY", 5);
/* Decimal size defs */
define("M", 0);
define("D", 1);
define("FULL", 2);
/* Table array defs */
define("TBL_NAME", 0);
define("COL_NAMES", 1);
define("ROWS", 2);
/* Analysis array defs */
define("TYPES", 0);
define("SIZES", 1);
define("FORMATTEDSQL", 2);
* Obtains the precision (total # of digits) from a size of type decimal
* @param string $last_cumulative_size
* @return int Precision of the given decimal size notation
* @access public
function PMA_getM($last_cumulative_size)
return (int)substr($last_cumulative_size, 0, strpos($last_cumulative_size, ","));
* Obtains the scale (# of digits to the right of the decimal point)
* from a size of type decimal
* @param string $last_cumulative_size
* @return int Scale of the given decimal size notation
* @access public
function PMA_getD($last_cumulative_size)
return (int) substr(
(strpos($last_cumulative_size, ",") + 1),
(strlen($last_cumulative_size) - strpos($last_cumulative_size, ","))
* Obtains the decimal size of a given cell
* @param string $cell cell content
* @return array Contains the precision, scale, and full size
* representation of the given decimal cell
* @access public
function PMA_getDecimalSize($cell)
$curr_size = strlen((string)$cell);
$decPos = strpos($cell, ".");
$decPrecision = ($curr_size - 1) - $decPos;
$m = $curr_size - 1;
$d = $decPrecision;
return array($m, $d, ($m . "," . $d));
* Obtains the size of the given cell
* @param string $last_cumulative_size Last cumulative column size
* @param int $last_cumulative_type Last cumulative column type
* @param int $curr_type Type of the current cell
* @param string $cell The current cell
* @return string Size of the given cell in the type-appropriate format
* @access public
* @todo Handle the error cases more elegantly
function PMA_detectSize($last_cumulative_size, $last_cumulative_type,
$curr_type, $cell
) {
$curr_size = strlen((string)$cell);
* If the cell is NULL, don't treat it as a varchar
if (! strcmp('NULL', $cell)) {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif ($curr_type == VARCHAR) {
* What to do if the current cell is of type VARCHAR
* The last cumulative type was VARCHAR
if ($last_cumulative_type == VARCHAR) {
if ($curr_size >= $last_cumulative_size) {
return $curr_size;
} else {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif ($last_cumulative_type == DECIMAL) {
* The last cumulative type was DECIMAL
$oldM = PMA_getM($last_cumulative_size);
if ($curr_size >= $oldM) {
return $curr_size;
} else {
return $oldM;
} elseif ($last_cumulative_type == BIGINT || $last_cumulative_type == INT) {
* The last cumulative type was BIGINT or INT
if ($curr_size >= $last_cumulative_size) {
return $curr_size;
} else {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif (! isset($last_cumulative_type) || $last_cumulative_type == NONE) {
* This is the first row to be analyzed
return $curr_size;
} else {
* An error has DEFINITELY occurred
* TODO: Handle this MUCH more elegantly
return -1;
} elseif ($curr_type == DECIMAL) {
* What to do if the current cell is of type DECIMAL
* The last cumulative type was VARCHAR
if ($last_cumulative_type == VARCHAR) {
/* Convert $last_cumulative_size from varchar to decimal format */
$size = PMA_getDecimalSize($cell);
if ($size[M] >= $last_cumulative_size) {
return $size[M];
} else {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif ($last_cumulative_type == DECIMAL) {
* The last cumulative type was DECIMAL
$size = PMA_getDecimalSize($cell);
$oldM = PMA_getM($last_cumulative_size);
$oldD = PMA_getD($last_cumulative_size);
/* New val if M or D is greater than current largest */
if ($size[M] > $oldM || $size[D] > $oldD) {
/* Take the largest of both types */
return (string) ((($size[M] > $oldM) ? $size[M] : $oldM)
. "," . (($size[D] > $oldD) ? $size[D] : $oldD));
} else {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif ($last_cumulative_type == BIGINT || $last_cumulative_type == INT) {
* The last cumulative type was BIGINT or INT
/* Convert $last_cumulative_size from int to decimal format */
$size = PMA_getDecimalSize($cell);
if ($size[M] >= $last_cumulative_size) {
return $size[FULL];
} else {
return ($last_cumulative_size.",".$size[D]);
} elseif (! isset($last_cumulative_type) || $last_cumulative_type == NONE) {
* This is the first row to be analyzed
/* First row of the column */
$size = PMA_getDecimalSize($cell);
return $size[FULL];
} else {
* An error has DEFINITELY occurred
* TODO: Handle this MUCH more elegantly
return -1;
} elseif ($curr_type == BIGINT || $curr_type == INT) {
* What to do if the current cell is of type BIGINT or INT
* The last cumulative type was VARCHAR
if ($last_cumulative_type == VARCHAR) {
if ($curr_size >= $last_cumulative_size) {
return $curr_size;
} else {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif ($last_cumulative_type == DECIMAL) {
* The last cumulative type was DECIMAL
$oldM = PMA_getM($last_cumulative_size);
$oldD = PMA_getD($last_cumulative_size);
$oldInt = $oldM - $oldD;
$newInt = strlen((string)$cell);
/* See which has the larger integer length */
if ($oldInt >= $newInt) {
/* Use old decimal size */
return $last_cumulative_size;
} else {
/* Use $newInt + $oldD as new M */
return (($newInt + $oldD) . "," . $oldD);
} elseif ($last_cumulative_type == BIGINT || $last_cumulative_type == INT) {
* The last cumulative type was BIGINT or INT
if ($curr_size >= $last_cumulative_size) {
return $curr_size;
} else {
return $last_cumulative_size;
} elseif (! isset($last_cumulative_type) || $last_cumulative_type == NONE) {
* This is the first row to be analyzed
return $curr_size;
} else {
* An error has DEFINITELY occurred
* TODO: Handle this MUCH more elegantly
return -1;
} else {
* An error has DEFINITELY occurred
* TODO: Handle this MUCH more elegantly
return -1;
* Determines what MySQL type a cell is
* @param int $last_cumulative_type Last cumulative column type
* @param string $cell String representation of the cell for which
* a best-fit type is to be determined
* @return int The MySQL type representation
* @access public
function PMA_detectType($last_cumulative_type, $cell)
* If numeric, determine if decimal, int or bigint
* Else, we call it varchar for simplicity
if (! strcmp('NULL', $cell)) {
if ($last_cumulative_type === null || $last_cumulative_type == NONE) {
return NONE;
} else {
return $last_cumulative_type;
} elseif (is_numeric($cell)) {
if ($cell == (string)(float)$cell
&& strpos($cell, ".") !== false
&& substr_count($cell, ".") == 1
) {
return DECIMAL;
} else {
if (abs($cell) > 2147483647) {
return BIGINT;
} else {
return INT;
} else {
return VARCHAR;
* Determines if the column types are int, decimal, or string
* @param array &$table array(string $table_name, array $col_names, array $rows)
* @return array array(array $types, array $sizes)
* @access public
* @link http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Import
* @todo Handle the error case more elegantly
function PMA_analyzeTable(&$table)
/* Get number of rows in table */
$numRows = count($table[ROWS]);
/* Get number of columns */
$numCols = count($table[COL_NAMES]);
/* Current type for each column */
$types = array();
$sizes = array();
/* Initialize $sizes to all 0's */
for ($i = 0; $i < $numCols; ++$i) {
$sizes[$i] = 0;
/* Initialize $types to NONE */
for ($i = 0; $i < $numCols; ++$i) {
$types[$i] = NONE;
/* Temp vars */
$curr_type = NONE;
/* If the passed array is not of the correct form, do not process it */
if (is_array($table)
&& ! is_array($table[TBL_NAME])
&& is_array($table[COL_NAMES])
&& is_array($table[ROWS])
) {
/* Analyze each column */
for ($i = 0; $i < $numCols; ++$i) {
/* Analyze the column in each row */
for ($j = 0; $j < $numRows; ++$j) {
/* Determine type of the current cell */
$curr_type = PMA_detectType($types[$i], $table[ROWS][$j][$i]);
/* Determine size of the current cell */
$sizes[$i] = PMA_detectSize(
* If a type for this column has already been declared,
* only alter it if it was a number and a varchar was found
if ($curr_type != NONE) {
if ($curr_type == VARCHAR) {
$types[$i] = VARCHAR;
} else if ($curr_type == DECIMAL) {
if ($types[$i] != VARCHAR) {
$types[$i] = DECIMAL;
} else if ($curr_type == BIGINT) {
if ($types[$i] != VARCHAR && $types[$i] != DECIMAL) {
$types[$i] = BIGINT;
} else if ($curr_type == INT) {
if ($types[$i] != VARCHAR
&& $types[$i] != DECIMAL
&& $types[$i] != BIGINT
) {
$types[$i] = INT;
/* Check to ensure that all types are valid */
$len = count($types);
for ($n = 0; $n < $len; ++$n) {
if (! strcmp(NONE, $types[$n])) {
$types[$n] = VARCHAR;
$sizes[$n] = '10';
return array($types, $sizes);
} else {
* TODO: Handle this better
return false;
/* Needed to quell the beast that is PMA_Message */
$import_notice = null;
* Builds and executes SQL statements to create the database and tables
* as necessary, as well as insert all the data.
* @param string $db_name Name of the database
* @param array &$tables Array of tables for the specified database
* @param array &$analyses Analyses of the tables
* @param array &$additional_sql Additional SQL statements to be executed
* @param array $options Associative array of options
* @return void
* @access public
* @link http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Import
function PMA_buildSQL($db_name, &$tables, &$analyses = null,
&$additional_sql = null, $options = null
) {
/* Take care of the options */
if (isset($options['db_collation'])&& ! is_null($options['db_collation'])) {
$collation = $options['db_collation'];
} else {
$collation = "utf8_general_ci";
if (isset($options['db_charset']) && ! is_null($options['db_charset'])) {
$charset = $options['db_charset'];
} else {
$charset = "utf8";
if (isset($options['create_db'])) {
$create_db = $options['create_db'];
} else {
$create_db = true;
/* Create SQL code to handle the database */
$sql = array();
if ($create_db) {
$sql[] = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . PMA_Util::backquote($db_name)
. " COLLATE " . $collation;
} else {
$sql[] = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . PMA_Util::backquote($db_name)
. " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . $charset . " COLLATE " . $collation;
* The calling plug-in should include this statement,
* if necessary, in the $additional_sql parameter
* $sql[] = "USE " . backquote($db_name);
/* Execute the SQL statements create above */
$sql_len = count($sql);
for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i) {
PMA_importRunQuery($sql[$i], $sql[$i]);
/* No longer needed */
/* Run the $additional_sql statements supplied by the caller plug-in */
if ($additional_sql != null) {
/* Clean the SQL first */
$additional_sql_len = count($additional_sql);
* Only match tables for now, because CREATE IF NOT EXISTS
* syntax is lacking or nonexisting for views, triggers,
* functions, and procedures.
* See: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15287
* To the best of my knowledge this is still an issue.
$pattern = '/CREATE [^`]*(TABLE)/';
$replacement = 'CREATE \\1 IF NOT EXISTS';
/* Change CREATE statements to CREATE IF NOT EXISTS to support
* inserting into existing structures
for ($i = 0; $i < $additional_sql_len; ++$i) {
$additional_sql[$i] = preg_replace(
/* Execute the resulting statements */
PMA_importRunQuery($additional_sql[$i], $additional_sql[$i]);
if ($analyses != null) {
$type_array = array(
VARCHAR => "varchar",
INT => "int",
DECIMAL => "decimal",
BIGINT => "bigint",
GEOMETRY => 'geometry'
/* TODO: Do more checking here to make sure they really are matched */
if (count($tables) != count($analyses)) {
/* Create SQL code to create the tables */
$tempSQLStr = "";
$num_tables = count($tables);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; ++$i) {
$num_cols = count($tables[$i][COL_NAMES]);
. PMA_Util::backquote($db_name)
. '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]) . " (";
for ($j = 0; $j < $num_cols; ++$j) {
$size = $analyses[$i][SIZES][$j];
if ((int)$size == 0) {
$size = 10;
$tempSQLStr .= PMA_Util::backquote($tables[$i][COL_NAMES][$j]) . " "
. $type_array[$analyses[$i][TYPES][$j]];
if ($analyses[$i][TYPES][$j] != GEOMETRY) {
$tempSQLStr .= "(" . $size . ")";
if ($j != (count($tables[$i][COL_NAMES]) - 1)) {
$tempSQLStr .= ", ";
$tempSQLStr .= ")"
. (PMA_DRIZZLE ? "" : " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET " . $charset)
. " COLLATE " . $collation . ";";
* Each SQL statement is executed immediately
* after it is formed so that we don't have
* to store them in a (possibly large) buffer
PMA_importRunQuery($tempSQLStr, $tempSQLStr);
* Create the SQL statements to insert all the data
* Only one insert query is formed for each table
$tempSQLStr = "";
$col_count = 0;
$num_tables = count($tables);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; ++$i) {
$num_cols = count($tables[$i][COL_NAMES]);
$num_rows = count($tables[$i][ROWS]);
$tempSQLStr = "INSERT INTO " . PMA_Util::backquote($db_name) . '.'
. PMA_Util::backquote($tables[$i][TBL_NAME]) . " (";
for ($m = 0; $m < $num_cols; ++$m) {
$tempSQLStr .= PMA_Util::backquote($tables[$i][COL_NAMES][$m]);
if ($m != ($num_cols - 1)) {
$tempSQLStr .= ", ";
$tempSQLStr .= ") VALUES ";
for ($j = 0; $j < $num_rows; ++$j) {
$tempSQLStr .= "(";
for ($k = 0; $k < $num_cols; ++$k) {
// If fully formatted SQL, no need to enclose
// with aphostrophes, add shalshes etc.
if ($analyses != null
&& isset($analyses[$i][FORMATTEDSQL][$col_count])
&& $analyses[$i][FORMATTEDSQL][$col_count] == true
) {
$tempSQLStr .= (string) $tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k];
} else {
if ($analyses != null) {
$is_varchar = ($analyses[$i][TYPES][$col_count] === VARCHAR);
} else {
$is_varchar = ! is_numeric($tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k]);
/* Don't put quotes around NULL fields */
if (! strcmp($tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k], 'NULL')) {
$is_varchar = false;
$tempSQLStr .= (($is_varchar) ? "'" : "");
$tempSQLStr .= PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes(
(string) $tables[$i][ROWS][$j][$k]
$tempSQLStr .= (($is_varchar) ? "'" : "");
if ($k != ($num_cols - 1)) {
$tempSQLStr .= ", ";
if ($col_count == ($num_cols - 1)) {
$col_count = 0;
} else {
/* Delete the cell after we are done with it */
$tempSQLStr .= ")";
if ($j != ($num_rows - 1)) {
$tempSQLStr .= ",\n ";
$col_count = 0;
/* Delete the row after we are done with it */
$tempSQLStr .= ";";
* Each SQL statement is executed immediately
* after it is formed so that we don't have
* to store them in a (possibly large) buffer
PMA_importRunQuery($tempSQLStr, $tempSQLStr);
/* No longer needed */
* A work in progress
/* Add the viewable structures from $additional_sql
* to $tables so they are also displayed
$view_pattern = '@VIEW `[^`]+`\.`([^`]+)@';
$table_pattern = '@CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `([^`]+)`@';
/* Check a third pattern to make sure its not a "USE `db_name`;" statement */
$regs = array();
$inTables = false;
$additional_sql_len = count($additional_sql);
for ($i = 0; $i < $additional_sql_len; ++$i) {
preg_match($view_pattern, $additional_sql[$i], $regs);
if (count($regs) == 0) {
preg_match($table_pattern, $additional_sql[$i], $regs);
if (count($regs)) {
for ($n = 0; $n < $num_tables; ++$n) {
if (! strcmp($regs[1], $tables[$n][TBL_NAME])) {
$inTables = true;
if (! $inTables) {
$tables[] = array(TBL_NAME => $regs[1]);
/* Reset the array */
$regs = array();
$inTables = false;
$params = array('db' => (string)$db_name);
$db_url = 'db_structure.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
$db_ops_url = 'db_operations.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
$message = '<br /><br />';
$message .= '<strong>' . __('The following structures have either been created or altered. Here you can:') . '</strong><br />';
$message .= '<ul><li>' . __("View a structure's contents by clicking on its name") . '</li>';
$message .= '<li>' . __('Change any of its settings by clicking the corresponding "Options" link') . '</li>';
$message .= '<li>' . __('Edit structure by following the "Structure" link') . '</li>';
$message .= sprintf(
'<br /><li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> (<a href="%s" title="%s">'
. __('Options') . '</a>)</li>',
__('Go to database: %s'),
__('Edit settings for %s'),
$message .= '<ul>';
$num_tables = count($tables);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tables; ++$i) {
$params = array(
'db' => (string) $db_name,
'table' => (string) $tables[$i][TBL_NAME]
$tbl_url = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
$tbl_struct_url = 'tbl_structure.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
$tbl_ops_url = 'tbl_operations.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($params);
if (! PMA_Table::isView($db_name, $tables[$i][TBL_NAME])) {
$message .= sprintf(
'<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a> (<a href="%s" title="%s">' . __('Structure') . '</a>) (<a href="%s" title="%s">' . __('Options') . '</a>)</li>',
__('Go to table: %s'),
__('Structure of %s'),
__('Edit settings for %s'),
} else {
$message .= sprintf(
'<li><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></li>',
__('Go to view: %s'),
$message .= '</ul></ul>';
global $import_notice;
$import_notice = $message;