query('UPDATE `online` SET `real_time` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i', time(), $user['id']); if ($user['battle'] != 0) { header('location: fbattle.php'); die(); } function sum_mf($u) { $sum = db::c()->query('SELECT SUM(`add_proc_mf`) AS `mf` FROM `inventory` WHERE `dressed` = 1 AND `add_proc_mf` > 0 AND `owner` = ?i', $u); if ($sum->fetch_assoc() > 0) return $sum; else return 0; } function sum_dmg($u) { $sum = db::c()->query('SELECT SUM(`add_proc_uron`) AS `mf` FROM `inventory` WHERE `dressed` = 1 AND `add_proc_uron` > 0 AND `owner` = ?i', $u); if ($sum->fetch_assoc() > 0) return $sum; else return 0; } function sum_bron($u) { $sum = db::c()->query('SELECT SUM(`add_proc_bron`) AS `mf` FROM `inventory` WHERE `dressed` = 1 AND `add_proc_bron` > 0 AND `owner` = ?i', $u); if ($sum->fetch_assoc() > 0) return $sum; else return 0; } function bron_ads($a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $col) { return ['a1' => round(($a1 / 100) * $col), 'a2' => round(($a2 / 100) * $col), 'a3' => round(($a3 / 100) * $col), 'a4' => round(($a4 / 100) * $col)]; } function max_mf() { $r = ''; $mfs = countmf(); if (($mfs['fkrit'] > $mfs['fakrit']) && ($mfs['fkrit'] > $mfs['fuvorot']) && ($mfs['fkrit'] > $mfs['fauvorot'])) { $r = 'fkrit'; } elseif (($mfs['fakrit'] > $mfs['fkrit']) && ($mfs['fakrit'] > $mfs['fuvorot']) && ($mfs['fakrit'] > $mfs['fauvorot'])) { $r = 'fakrit'; } elseif (($mfs['fuvorot'] > $mfs['fkrit']) && ($mfs['fuvorot'] > $mfs['fakrit']) && ($mfs['fuvorot'] > $mfs['fauvorot'])) { $r = 'fuvorot'; } elseif (($mfs['fauvorot'] > $mfs['fkrit']) && ($mfs['fauvorot'] > $mfs['fakrit']) && ($mfs['fauvorot'] > $mfs['fuvorot'])) { $r = 'fauvorot'; } return $r; } function stack($it_id) { global $user; $it_id = (int)$it_id; $stack = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i AND `owner` = ?i', $it_id, $user['id']); if (db::c()->getAffectedRows() === 1) { $stack = $stack->fetch_assoc(); $similar = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT SUM(`koll`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `id` != '" . $stack['id'] . "' AND `name` = '" . $stack['name'] . "' AND `present` = '" . $stack['present'] . "' AND `duration` = '" . $stack['duration'] . "' AND `maxdur` = '" . $stack['maxdur'] . "' AND `laba` = '" . $stack['laba'] . "' AND `gmeshok` = '" . $stack['gmeshok'] . "' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `goden` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `koll` >= 1 AND `isrep` = '" . $stack['isrep'] . "' AND FORMAT(`cost`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT(" . ($stack['cost'] / $stack['koll']) . ", 2) AND FORMAT(`point`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT(" . ($stack['point'] / $stack['koll']) . ", 2) AND FORMAT(`bcost`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT(" . ($stack['bcost'] / $stack['koll']) . ", 2)")); if ($similar[0] >= 1) { mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `cost` = (`cost`+`cost`/`koll`*" . $similar[0] . "), `point` = (`point`+`point`/`koll`*" . $similar[0] . "), `bcost` = (`bcost`+`bcost`/`koll`*" . $similar[0] . "), `massa` = (`massa`+`massa`/`koll`*" . $similar[0] . "), `koll` = (`koll`+" . $similar[0] . "), `gmeshok` = (`gmeshok`+`gmeshok`*" . $similar[0] . ") WHERE `id` = '" . $stack['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `id` != '" . $stack['id'] . "' AND `name` = '" . $stack['name'] . "' AND `present` = '" . $stack['present'] . "' AND `duration` = '" . $stack['duration'] . "' AND `maxdur` = '" . $stack['maxdur'] . "' AND `dressed` = 0 AND `goden` = 0 AND `koll` >= 1 AND `setsale` = 0 AND `gmeshok` = '" . $stack['gmeshok'] . "' AND `laba` = '" . $stack['laba'] . "' AND `isrep` = '" . $stack['isrep'] . "' AND FORMAT(`cost`/`koll`, 2)=FORMAT(" . $stack['cost'] / $stack['koll'] . ", 2) AND FORMAT(`point`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT(" . ($stack['point'] / $stack['koll']) . ", 2) AND FORMAT(`bcost`/`koll`, 2) = FORMAT(" . ($stack['bcost'] / $stack['koll']) . ", 2) "); } } } function unstack($it_id, $it_count) { global $user; $it_id = (int)$it_id; $it_count = (int)$it_count; $it_count = abs($it_count); $dress = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = " . $user['id'] . " AND `id` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($it_id) . "' LIMIT 1")); if (isset($dress['id'])) { if ($it_count <= $dress['koll'] && $it_count > 0) { if ($dress['koll'] == $it_count) { mysql_query('DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = "' . $dress['id'] . '" AND `owner` = "' . $user['id'] . '" LIMIT 1'); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `cost` = (`cost`-`cost`/`koll`*" . $it_count . "), `point` = (`point`-`point`/`koll`*" . $it_count . "), `bcost` = (`bcost`-`bcost`/`koll`*" . $it_count . "), `massa` = (`massa`-`massa`/`koll`*" . $it_count . "), `koll` = (`koll`-" . $it_count . ") WHERE `id` = '$dress[id]' AND `owner` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"); } mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inventory` (`name`, `upgrade`, `modif`, `podgon`, `duration`, `maxdur`, `cost`, `bcost`, `point`, `nlevel`, `nsila`, `nlovk`, `ninta`, `nvinos`, `nintel`, `nmudra`, `nnoj`, `ntopor`, `ndubina`, `nmech`, `nalign`, `minu`, `maxu`, `gsila`, `glovk`, `ginta`, `gintel`, `ghp`, `mfkrit`, `mfakrit`, `mfuvorot`, `mfauvorot`, `gnoj`, `gtopor`, `gdubina`, `gmech`, `img`, `text`, `owner`, `dressed`, `bron1`, `bron2`, `bron3`, `bron4`, `dategoden`, `magic`, `type`, `present`, `sharped`, `massa`, `goden`, `needident`, `nfire`, `nwater`, `nair`, `nearth`, `nlight`, `ngray`, `ndark`, `gfire`, `gwater`, `gair`, `gearth`, `glight`, `ggray`, `gdark`, `free_bron`, `free_stat`, `free_mf`, `letter`, `isrep`, `update`, `setsale`, `prototype`, `otdel`, `bs`, `gmp`, `includemagic`, `includemagicdex`, `includemagicmax`, `includemagicname`, `includemagicuses`, `includemagiccost`, `gmeshok`, `tradesale`, `podzem`, `x_mis`, `artefact`, `destinyinv`, `encicl`, `foronetrip`, `koll`) VALUES ('" . $dress['name'] . "', '" . $dress['upgrade'] . "', '" . $dress['modif'] . "', '" . $dress['podgon'] . "', '" . $dress['duration'] . "', '" . $dress['maxdur'] . "', '" . ($dress['cost'] / $dress['koll'] * $it_count) . "', '" . ($dress['bcost'] / $dress['koll'] * $it_count) . "', '" . ($dress['point'] / $dress['koll'] * $it_count) . "', '" . $dress['nlevel'] . "', '" . $dress['nsila'] . "', '" . $dress['nlovk'] . "', '" . $dress['ninta'] . "', '" . $dress['nvinos'] . "', '" . $dress['nintel'] . "', '" . $dress['nmudra'] . "', '" . $dress['nnoj'] . "', '" . $dress['ntopor'] . "', '" . $dress['ndubina'] . "', '" . $dress['nmech'] . "', '" . $dress['nalign'] . "', '" . $dress['minu'] . "', '" . $dress['maxu'] . "', '" . $dress['gsila'] . "', '" . $dress['glovk'] . "', '" . $dress['ginta'] . "', '" . $dress['gintel'] . "', '" . $dress['ghp'] . "', '" . $dress['mfkrit'] . "', '" . $dress['mfakrit'] . "', '" . $dress['mfuvorot'] . "', '" . $dress['mfauvorot'] . "', '" . $dress['gnoj'] . "', '" . $dress['gtopor'] . "', '" . $dress['gdubina'] . "', '" . $dress['gmech'] . "', '" . $dress['img'] . "', '" . $dress['text'] . "', '" . $dress['owner'] . "', '" . $dress['dressed'] . "', '" . $dress['bron1'] . "', '" . $dress['bron2'] . "', '" . $dress['bron3'] . "', '" . $dress['bron4'] . "', '" . $dress['dategoden'] . "', '" . $dress['magic'] . "', '" . $dress['type'] . "', '" . $dress['present'] . "', '" . $dress['sharped'] . "', '" . ($dress['massa'] / $dress['koll'] * $it_count) . "', '" . $dress['goden'] . "', '" . $dress['needident'] . "', '" . $dress['nfire'] . "', '" . $dress['nwater'] . "', '" . $dress['nair'] . "', '" . $dress['nearth'] . "', '" . $dress['nlight'] . "', '" . $dress['ngray'] . "', '" . $dress['ndark'] . "', '" . $dress['gfire'] . "', '" . $dress['gwater'] . "', '" . $dress['gair'] . "', '" . $dress['gearth'] . "', '" . $dress['glight'] . "', '" . $dress['ggray'] . "', '" . $dress['gdark'] . "', '" . $dress['free_bron'] . "', '" . $dress['free_bron'] . "', '" . $dress['free_mf'] . "', '" . $dress['letter'] . "', '" . $dress['isrep'] . "', '" . $dress['update'] . "', '" . $dress['setsale'] . "', '" . $dress['prototype'] . "', '" . $dress['otdel'] . "', '" . $dress['bs'] . "', '" . $dress['gmp'] . "', '" . $dress['includemagic'] . "', '" . $dress['includemagicdex'] . "', '" . $dress['includemagicmax'] . "', '" . $dress['includemagicname'] . "', '" . $dress['ggrincludemagicusesay'] . "', '" . $dress['includemagiccost'] . "', '" . ($dress['gmeshok'] / $dress['koll'] * $it_count) . "', '" . $dress['tradesale'] . "', '" . $dress['podzem'] . "', '" . $dress['x_mis'] . "', '" . $dress['artefact'] . "', '" . $dress['destinyinv'] . "', '" . $dress['encicl'] . "', '" . $dress['foronetrip'] . "', '" . $it_count . "')"); return mysql_insert_id(); } else return false; } else return false; } function del_efs($uid, $id, $type) { global $user; $arr = [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20]; if ($uid == $user['id']) { if ($id != null) { if (!in_array($type, $arr)) { db::c()->query('DELETE FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `id` = ?i', $uid, $id); if ($type == 1022) { db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` SET `invis` = ?i WHERE `id` = ?i', 0, $uid); $user['invis'] = 0; } err('Эффект удалён.'); } else { err('Данный эффект нельзя удалить.'); } } } } function countmf() { //TODO пересчитать модификаторы global $user; function GetWeaponType($idwep) { if ($idwep == 0 || $idwep == null || $idwep == '') { return "kulak"; } $wep = db::c()->query('SELECT `otdel`, `minu` FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i', $idwep)->fetch_row(); if ($wep[0] == '1') { return "noj"; } elseif ($wep[0] == '12') { return "dubina"; } elseif ($wep[0] == '11') { return "topor"; } elseif ($wep[0] == '13') { return "mech"; } elseif ($wep[1] > 0) { return "buket"; } else { return "kulak"; } } $zo = db::c()->query('SELECT 1 FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 201 AND `owner` = ?i', $user['id'])->getNumRows(); $sokr = db::c()->query('SELECT 1 FROM `effects` WHERE `type` = 202 AND `owner` = ?i', $user['id'])->getNumRows(); $bmfud = $bmfbron = 0; if (!empty($sokr)) $bmfud += 5; if (!empty($zo)) $bmfbron += 25; $mf = []; $user_dress = db::c()->query('SELECT SUM(`minu`), SUM(`maxu`), SUM(`mfkrit`), SUM(`mfakrit`), SUM(`mfuvorot`), SUM(`mfauvorot`), SUM(`bron1`), SUM(`bron2`), SUM(`bron3`), SUM(`bron4`) FROM `inventory` WHERE `dressed` = 1 AND `owner` = ?i', $user['id'])->fetch_row(); $user_dress[6] = $bmfbron; $user_dress[7] = $bmfbron; $user_dress[8] = $bmfbron; $user_dress[9] = $bmfbron; $user_dress[6] += $user['ubron1']; $user_dress[7] += $user['ubron2']; $user_dress[8] += $user['ubron3']; $user_dress[9] += $user['ubron4']; $mykrit = $user_dress[2] + ($user['inta'] * 2.95); $myakrit = $user_dress[3] + ($user['inta'] * 2.75); $myuvorot = $user_dress[4] + ($user['lovk'] * 5); $myauvorot = $user_dress[5] + ($user['lovk'] * 4); $mf['me'] = ['udar' => (floor($user['sila'] / 3) + 1 + $user_dress[0]), 'maxudar' => (floor($user['sila'] / 3) + 4 + $user_dress[1])]; if ($mf['me']['udar'] < 0) { $mf['me']['udar'] = 0; } $weap_b = 0; switch (GetWeaponType($user['weap'])) { case "noj": $weap_b += $user['noj']; break; case "dubina": $weap_b += $user['dubina']; break; case "topor": $weap_b += $user['topor']; break; case "mech": $weap_b += $user['mec']; break; } return ['minu' => $mf['me']['udar'] + $bmfud + $weap_b, 'maxu' => $mf['me']['maxudar'] + $bmfud + $weap_b, 'fkrit' => round($mykrit, 0), 'fakrit' => round($myakrit, 0), 'fuvorot' => round($myuvorot, 0), 'fauvorot' => round($myauvorot, 0), 'bron1' => $user_dress[6], 'bron2' => $user_dress[7], 'bron3' => $user_dress[8], 'bron4' => $user_dress[9]]; } // одеть предмет function dressitem($id) { global $user; $item = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `duration` < `maxdur` AND `id` = ?i AND `owner` = ?i AND `dressed` = 0', $id, $user['id'])->fetch_assoc(); switch ($item['type']) { case 1: $slot1 = 'sergi'; break; case 2: $slot1 = 'kulon'; break; case 3: $slot1 = 'weap'; break; case 4: $slot1 = 'bron'; break; case 5: $slot1 = 'r1'; break; case 6: $slot1 = 'r2'; break; case 7: $slot1 = 'r3'; break; case 8: $slot1 = 'helm'; break; case 9: $slot1 = 'perchi'; break; case 10: $slot1 = 'shit'; break; case 11: $slot1 = 'boots'; break; case 12: $slot1 = 'm1'; break; case 22: $slot1 = 'rybax'; break; case 23: $slot1 = 'plaw'; break; default: $slot1 = ''; break; } if ($item['type'] == 5) { if (!$user['r1']) $slot1 = 'r1'; elseif (!$user['r2']) $slot1 = 'r2'; elseif (!$user['r3']) $slot1 = 'r3'; else { $slot1 = 'r1'; dropitem(5); } } elseif ($item['type'] == 12) { if (!$user['m1']) $slot1 = 'm1'; elseif (!$user['m2']) $slot1 = 'm2'; elseif (!$user['m3']) $slot1 = 'm3'; elseif (!$user['m4']) $slot1 = 'm4'; elseif (!$user['m5']) $slot1 = 'm5'; elseif (!$user['m6']) $slot1 = 'm6'; elseif (!$user['m7']) $slot1 = 'm7'; elseif (!$user['m8']) $slot1 = 'm8'; elseif (!$user['m9']) $slot1 = 'm9'; elseif (!$user['m10']) $slot1 = 'm10'; else { $slot1 = 'm1'; dropitem(12); } } else dropitem($item['type']); if (!($item['type'] == 12 && $user['level'] < 4)) { if (db::c()->query('UPDATE `users` AS `u`, `inventory` AS `i` SET `u`.?f = ?i, `i`.`dressed` = 1, `u`.`sila` = `u`.`sila` + `i`.`gsila`, `u`.`lovk` = `u`.`lovk` + `i`.`glovk`, `u`.`inta` = `u`.`inta` + `i`.`ginta`, `u`.`intel` = `u`.`intel` + `i`.`gintel`, `u`.`maxhp` = `u`.`maxhp` + `i`.`ghp`, `u`.`noj` = `u`.`noj` + `i`.`gnoj`, `u`.`topor` = `u`.`topor` + `i`.`gtopor`, `u`.`dubina` = `u`.`dubina` + `i`.`gdubina`, `u`.`mec` = `u`.`mec` + `i`.`gmech`, `u`.`mfire` = `u`.`mfire` + `i`.`gfire`, `u`.`mwater` = `u`.`mwater` + `i`.`gwater`, `u`.`mair` = `u`.`mair` + `i`.`gair`, `u`.`mearth` = `u`.`mearth` + `i`.`gearth`, `u`.`mlight` = `u`.`mlight` + `i`.`glight`, `u`.`mgray` = `u`.`mgray` + `i`.`ggray`, `u`.`mdark` = `u`.`mdark` + `i`.`gdark`, `u`.`ubron1` = `u`.`ubron1` + `i`.`bron1`, `u`.`ubron2` = `u`.`ubron2` + `i`.`bron2`, `u`.`ubron3` = `u`.`ubron3` + `i`.`bron3`, `u`.`ubron4` = `u`.`ubron4` + `i`.`bron4`, `u`.`fkrit` = `u`.`fkrit` + `i`.`mfkrit`, `u`.`fakrit` = `u`.`fakrit` + `i`.`mfakrit`, `u`.`fuvorot` = `u`.`fuvorot` + `i`.`mfuvorot`, `u`.`fauvorot` = `u`.`fauvorot` + `i`.`mfauvorot`, `u`.`uminu` = `u`.`uminu` + `i`.`minu`, `u`.`umaxu` = `u`.`umaxu` + `i`.`maxu` WHERE `i`.`needident` = 0 AND `i`.`id` = ?i AND `i`.`dressed` = 0 AND `i`.owner = ?i AND (20 + `u`.`sila`) >= `i`.`nsila` AND (20 + `u`.`lovk`) >= `i`.`nlovk` AND (20 + `u`.`inta`) >= `i`.`ninta` AND `u`.`vinos` >= `i`.`nvinos` AND (20 + `u`.`intel`) >= `i`.`nintel` AND `u`.`mudra` >= `i`.`nmudra` AND `u`.`level` >= `i`.`nlevel` AND (("?s" OR (?i = `i`.`nalign`)) OR (`i`.`nalign` = 0)) AND `u`.`noj` >= `i`.`nnoj` AND `u`.`topor` >= `i`.`ntopor` AND `u`.`dubina` >= `i`.`ndubina` AND `u`.`mec` >= `i`.`nmech` AND `u`.`mfire` >= `i`.`nfire` AND `u`.`mwater` >= `i`.`nwater` AND `u`.`mair` >= `i`.`nair` AND `u`.`mearth` >= `i`.`nearth` AND `u`.`mlight` >= `i`.`nlight` AND `u`.`mgray` >= `i`.`ngray` AND `u`.`mdark` >= `i`.`ndark` AND `i`.`setsale` = 0 AND `u`.`id` = ?i', $slot1, $id, $id, $user['id'], $al, $user['align'], $user['id'])) $user[$slot1] = $item['id']; return true; } else return false; } // Входим и выходим если можем. if (isset($_GET['goto'])) { $imove = true; $d = db::c()->query('SELECT SUM(`massa`) AS `summ` FROM `inventory` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND `dressed` = 0 AND `setsale` = 0', $user['id'])->fetch_assoc(); $eff = db::c()->query('SELECT `id` FROM `effects` WHERE `owner` = ?i AND (`type` = 14 OR `type` = 13) LIMIT 1', $user['id'])->fetch_assoc(); if ($d['summ'] > get_meshok() && $_GET['got']) { err('У вас переполнен рюкзак, вы не можете передвигаться...'); $imove = false; } if (isset($eff['id']) && $_GET['got']) { err('У вас тяжелая травма, вы не можете передвигатся...'); $imove = false; } if ($_GET['goto'] == 'plo' AND empty($user['zayavka']) AND $imove === true) { db::c()->query('UPDATE `users`,`online` SET `users`.`room` = 20,`online`.`room` = 20 WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid']); header('Location: city.php'); die("Топ-топ-топ..."); } else err('Подали заявку на бой и убегаете из клуба? Нехорошо...'); if ($_GET['goto'] == 'arena' AND $user['room'] === 20 AND $imove === true) { db::c()->query('UPDATE `users`, `online` SET `users`.`room` = 1, `online`.`room` = 1 WHERE `online`.`id` = `users`.`id` AND `online`.`id` = ?i', $_SESSION['uid']); header('Location: main.php'); die("Топ-топ-топ..."); } } if (isset($_GET['use'])) { usemagic($_GET['use'], $_POST['target']); } /** * Отображение персонажа в main.php * * @param $id * @throws \Krugozor\Database\Mysql\Exception */ function showpersinv($id) { $user = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?i', $id)->fetch_assoc(); $dressed = []; $r = db::c()->query('SELECT * FROM `inventory` WHERE `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i OR `id` = ?i', $user['helm'], $user['weap'], $user['plaw'], $user['bron'], $user['rybax'], $user['sergi'], $user['kulon'], $user['r1'], $user['r2'], $user['r3'], $user['perchi'], $user['shit'], $user['boots'], $user['m1'], $user['m2'], $user['m3'], $user['m4'], $user['m5'], $user['m6'], $user['m7'], $user['m8'], $user['m9'], $user['m10']); while ($rec = $r->fetch_assoc()) { $dressed[$rec['id']] = $rec; } ?>
Выбрать образ персонажа |
Внимание! Образ персонажа выбирается только один раз. |